Friday, December 7, 2012

Fashion trend

Z has decided that boxes will be all the rage next season and is getting an early start.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wheel of Justice

It is my opinion that this wheel rarely rolls inside the court. It does however make an interesting monument to a lofty ideal.


When I took this pic they were respectively 3 and 6. You do the math. :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ginger candy

This is Ginger candy that is supplied to me every Friday by Tobias a little boy with the most resilient tastebuds around. Ginger candy - a taffy like substance starts off sweet and then launches a sneak attack that leaves you reeling. This is the closest you will get to ginger without actually chewing on it.
Good for clearing oif your sinuses, lungs, and more I'm sure.

Eviction Part lll

With the dog out of the way, the pen is all hers -possession has taken effect. The dog, Winter was not pleased with this turn of events and looked to me for assistance.

Eviction Part ll

She somehow convinced the dog to step out of the pen and so part two - ousting the dog is in effect.

Eviction part l

My youngest has taken to evicting the dog from her pen. Here she is taking her first step - securing the space.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Visiting with Mr. Bryant

Little ones at Bryant park. They wanted a photo near the statue. We were promptly asked to get down, but not before I got the pic! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Early swordswoman

Now I need to find an instructor that can channel this determined 4 year old.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Water sprinkler at Travers Park in Queens. This epitomizes summer and relief for all of the kids.  The first question asked is: "Can we get wet?"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tribe Transport

Had to upgrade the vehicle so everyone could fit, this fit the bill perfectly.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer camp chess

First day of camp about halfway through the day. Everyone is focused in chess class.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ancient clock

This is a sundial in queens at the Hall of Science. Kids love to climb on it, this was one of those rare moments when it was free of kids. The moment was brief.

Archimedean screw

This is Rey at one of his favorite spots - the Hall of Science. This is the outdoor park in 90 degree weather and we were learning the properties of an archimedean screw and splashing ourselves with water. Lots of fun!

Growing Winter

Winter at 7 months. She now outweighs each of the children.

Friday, June 22, 2012


After three days of brutal heat the skies opened and cooled us off on the way home from school to the sounds rumbling thunder.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Lately my little ones have been fascinated (and scared)  of ants. To remove some of the fear, I decided we should see where ants live. As we explored this anthill the fear turned to curiousity and they were able to be next to the ants as they went about their ant duties. This was a stark difference from a week ago when we had an ant related meltdown.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On the cusp

I'm about to launch two books in ebook format. One a fictional novel, the first of a series, the other a book celebrating  fatherhood. There are several projects on the way. It has taken a few years to get here, but this is exciting, scary, and amazing all wrapped up together.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stradivarius next

After weeks of practicing with a box violin, Rey finally gets his real one.  He is making impressive progress.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Secret Underground City

Today my son discovered that under the streets of our city is a series of tunnels running pretty much everywhere. Its like an secret underground city. I have to agree.

Snow Trees

My daughter calls these snow trees. From a distance it looks like snowfall has settled on them. When I ask her if its real snow she looks at me sagely and says no, then laughs- those are cherry blossoms!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jingle Dress

This dress, modeled by E is covered in tiny bells. This is the dress of choice when dancing strikes the mood.

More great architecture

These towers have always intrigued me. Here is a great shot of them as they overlook our class.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Princess Z, now very mobile taking a short break this afternoon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tough student

This is one of my tougher students, demonstrating the" serious face"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Empire State

Iconic building present during my writing seminar with Julia Cameron. 

Hard Life

The hard life of a dog.

Budding Artist

Here is one of our resident artists showing off her work.

Great Architecture

I walk by this corner every Tuesday and I never cease to marvel at the architecture of this city.

Orlando Sanchez

Friday, February 3, 2012

Karate in the genes

Z showing that pushups can be an inherited trait.

Winter arrives

This is the newest addition to the family, Winter. She is a boxer that has quickly been accepted into the family. Here she is lounging after a rough morning.

Milk eruption

This is the smallest girl  after a formula meltdown. This was the crowning act in a series of mishaps that went like this: eldest boy bangs head, cries,  older sister hits knee, cries. dog in pen has major accident. So not be outdone in the midst of the crying chorus she decides to do a milk volcano.  I couldn't script this stuff if I tried.  Had to take a moment preserve the meltdown LOL.


The aftermath of a 7.5 hour promotion at a kyokushin school. To say I was exhausted is a serious understatement. We started at midnight and finished at 7:30 then went off to teach class.